The main purpose of the creation of an scientific and production center of unmanned aviation "Virage" (SPCUA "Virage") is the development, certification and serial production of unmanned aerial systems (UAS) and unmanned aerial complexes (UAVС) and their use in the interests of sectors of the Ukrainian economy and other Customers.
The main tasks of SPCUA "Virage":
- development, research and production of power plants for unmanned aerial vehicles;
- development of integral unmanned aerial systems and unmanned aerial complexes;
- development of technological processes for the manufacture of individual parts of the UAV using modern and advanced structural materials;
- participation in improving the regulatory framework for the development and use of UAVs in the airspace of Ukraine;
- training of UAS ground personnel and their direct training according to the developed programs and methods;
- participation in the formation of priority directions for the development of science and innovation activities of the university in the field of unmanned aerial vehicles;
- attracting students, masters, graduate students and young scientists to research and development work;
- participation in the organization and conduct of state certification of the university as a scientific institution and certification of SPCUA "Virage" researchers: and other tasks.
Design is carried out using the following software products: "ANSYS", "SolidWorks", "AutoCAD", "Compass", "Simulink" (MATLAB) and others.
In order to comply with European and world requirements for the development of unmanned aerial vehicles, the center uses the following standards and norms: AП-23, AП-25, AП-39, AP-33, AП-35, STANAG - 4671, documents of international organizations ICAO, EASA, Eurocontrol, NATO, etc.
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Lutsky Maksym Heorhiyovych – rector of National Aviation University, doctor of technical sciences, professor. |
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Kulyk Mykola Serhiiovych – dean of the aerospace faculty, doctor of technical sciences, professor. |
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Matiychyk Mykhailo Petrovуch – candidate of technical sciences, associate professor, chief designer of unmanned aircraft systems. |