Multipurpose unmanned aerial complex М-6-3 «Zhayvir»
Purpose: aerial photography, video monitoring in the real time and linear and other objects patrolling, plants biosecurity.
Prototype construction year: 2004.
Modification (M-6-3) first flight: 2014.
Patents: UА № 34952; № 38142; № 43459; № 103120 (2015); № 105398 (2016); № 105400 (2016).

- wingspan, m - 2,98;
- payload, kg - up to 4;
- take-off mass, kg - up to 17;
- power of engine, kW - 3,8;
- max. speed, km/h - 160;
- max. processing performance, ha/h - 40*;
- cruising speed, km/h - 120;
- flight duration, h – up to 5;
- range of action, km – up to 80;
- photography productivity (500m), ha/h - 7776;
- recommended height, m – 1000-1500;
- max. flight height, m – up to 3000*;
- fuel flow rate on cruising mode, kg/h - 0,8-1,0*;
- taking-off type – wheeled/option - using catapult;
- landing type – wheeled/using parachute;
- take-off run (asphalt), m - 60.
* - estimated data.
UAV М-6-3 «ZHAYVІR»is a deep modification of famous UAV М-6 «ZHAYVІR», The results of research effectiveness of UAV using on aerial photography works, video monitoring, ACW and other aviation works were the base of this invention. Implementation of technologies with UAV using helps to increase technological and economical effectiveness of aviation companies during given works production. Economy of combustive and lubricating materials, direct exploitation expenditures and making people and vehicles more free from other work during peak periods of air operations are the main sources of economic effectiveness of technology usage.
Complex consists UAV, ground-based control station, catapult device and board specialized devices. It allows to provide works under normal weather conditions and at night. Automatic control mode of UAV is provided.
Implementation stage: flight tests of a prototype.