Stratospheric Pseudo Satellite PS–11 “KROKUS”
Purpose: refinement of critical elements, performing endurance flights at stratosphere of aircrafts with solar photo elements.
Year of development: 2019
First flight: 2020
Current status:prototype flight testing.
Patents:№ 135771

- maximum take-off mass, kg – 16…22;
- payload mass, kg – up to 0,5;
- wingspan, m – 11 ;
- flight duration – not more than 20 h;
- economic speed at altitude 20 000 m – 98 km/h.;
- operating range (for online video transmission), km – 50;
- technical operating range, km – up to 60;
- quantity of secured data transmission lines – 2;
- type of flight control system -automatic / semiautomatic;
- start/landing – from launch device / from landing gear/
* - flight height and duration are taking for ISA.

During light day with PS-11 you can obtain photo images of territories, satellite photo images, remote air surveillance of objects (separate buildings, roads, bridges, vehicles, oil/gas pipelines, electric power transmission lines etc.). Conducting imagery intelligence of ground situation during emergencies (fires, earthquakes, floods, man-made accidents) and search and rescue operation. Obtained telemetry and video (photo, infrared) data can be transmitted online or be recorded on onboard recorder.
Pseudo Satellite PS – 11 “KROKUS” is a two engine aircraft – high wing with pull airscrews, which are located on wing pylons. Airframe is made of fiber glass/carbon fiber, separate loaded elements of construction are made of high strength aluminum alloys. Tail unit covering is made with lavsan coat. Wing covering is combined.
Main advantage of PS-11 is board power supply, which consists of more than 300 solar cells. Solar cells provide energy for aircraft systems, its power plant and payload. World analogs of this UAV: Zefir -7/8 (Great Britain), Pathfinder (USA) and others.

Demonstration of very low mass of composite fuselage frame of PS-11 length 4.1 m.

Launch-tow platform of pseudo satellite.

Wing construction technologies of PS-11.

Demonstration of horizontal stabilizer with section of solar elements.

Landing gear extraction/retraction components.

Composite frame of vertical stabilizer.

Composite frame of horizontal stabilizer.

Low-speed air screw 2GPFT.

Fragment of composite profile of stabilizer leading edge.